Due Diligence Review, or simply Due Diligence: in many moments in the life of companies or corporations verifying the compliance of management and operations may be necessary, especially when dealing with extraordinary transactions.
Acquisitions of companies, quotas or shares, sales of shareholdings in companies, but also the entry of new equity partners or private financiers are classic situations in which it is necessary to carry out a prior verification that the target company has acted by the law, in compliance with the regulations and the complex disciplines that govern modern business, especially if the investor is a foreign subject who is not aware of the regulatory environment of the target company.
The priority interest of the buyer, the new partner and/or the new lender is to not get into a "leaky boat" which can be a very expensive scenario and can even lead to the failure of an entire project of an entrepreneurial takeover or new association.
Therefore a deeper study of the investment before making it is for sure the best starting point for the success of the deal.
For the best protection of these investors, we offer a complete service of Due Diligence Review. Thanks to the integration with the other multidisciplinary professionals of our network, we can verify not only the corporate, accounting and fiscal aspects but also the contractual, labour law, insurance, urban planning, construction, cadastral, environmental, safety at work etc. aspects.
A complete and accurate Due Diligence Review that takes into account all aspects of management is certainly the first step in dealing with a new acquisition or partnership. Any problems or non-conformities that emerge could lead to the abandonment of the project or to face it with an appropriate reshaping of the economic offers to consider those non-conformities. In short, a form of preventive protection that should be the good rule of the prudent investor.
Contact us with confidence, we have decades of experience in carrying out this kind of check and investigation even for complex cases. You can explain to us your needs and together we can verify the best way to carry out an efficient Due Diligence procedure and especially useful for you. And if the result will confirm the goodness of the investment we can also help you with the drafting of contracts necessary for the acquisition or partnership, considering also additional protective clauses.