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Company assignments

For some time now we have held corporate offices in many joint-stock companies and institutions, including those at national level. Board members, chairmen and members of boards of statutory auditors, statutory auditors of annual accounts, liquidators of companies are some of the roles we are called on to assume on behalf of clients.

We always give our best effort not only to play a role that maybe the law and the client company has assigned to us, but we go even further and becoming real strategic consultants for entrepreneurs. 

  • board of directors 
  • board of statutory auditors with or without an audit function 
  • single auditors 
  • company liquidators 
  • arbitrators or party-appointed consultants in extrajudicial agreements 
  • members of management boards, boards of auditors or commissions 
  • representation of members, bondholders, etc. 

Collegio sindacale como

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