Rezzonico Malagoli Associati avails itself of valuable partnerships with other brilliant Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors, both established external consultants and consultants within our organization.
The advisory team has six experienced Certified Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors. Thanks to the different backgrounds and specialisations, we can provide our clients with qualified, all-around advice about all classic professional matters, but also about complex and particular subjects, thus always ensuring an overall view of problems and a wide range of solutions, when available.
We count on training, professional growth and importance of working in a stimulating and productive environment; for this reason, we are pleased to work with staff with an average of over twenty years working with us, a team who is qualified in accounting, with a wealth of experience, who are well-trained, who keep up-to-date and have great analytical and relational skills.
The whole organization follows our Code of Ethics and Quality as a guide for correct and efficient relations, not only with Clients but also with suppliers and public authorities.
We also work closely with some established lawyers to better evaluate some legal aspects of normal operations.